Healthy Weight Loss & Motivation
Weight loss information and motivation for achieving healthy weight loss. Additional weight loss related articles can be found under diabetes.
The Atkins Low Carbohydrate Diet: Does It Work?
The Atkins low carbohydrate diet is the diet that promotes weight loss through the consumption of foods low in carbohydrates and quite high in fat and protein contents, but not necessarily low in calories. It was the brain-child of Dr. R. C. Atkins who claimed that it would initiate a greater weight loss than a conventional, low calorie diet composed of a "balance" of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
In addition, it was supposed to be friendly to those prone to diabetes because of the low intake of carbohydrate; it might reduce the body's need for insulin. The Atkins diet concept is diametrically opposed to that used for years by traditional nutritionists and medical specialists.
Our initial response to the Atkins diet was that it might not be safe because years of scientific evidence suggested that high fat intake would surely raise blood cholesterol, thus increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease...Read full article
When Weight Loss Diets Don’t Work, Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle Instead
The “Every Size” strategy, a health-centered rather than weight-centered program, may help chronic dieters reshape their thinking, shed unhealthy habits, adopt new patterns of eating, become more physically active, and increase their self-esteem. That’s according to Nancy L. Keim, a chemist with ARS. “Chronic dieters are those who either have failed at a sequence of diets, or, after successfully losing weight, gain back the pounds and start the dieting cycle all over again,” explains ARS physiologist Marta D. Van Loan...Read full article
The Atkins Diet - Diabetes and Experts Viewpoints
The Atkins diet has revolutionized the dieting trend. According to Knight Ridder, an estimated 17 million Americans are currently following a formal low-carb diet and another 42 million are cutting back on carbohydrates...Read full article
Children and Television - Helping Your Child Lose Weight
According to US researchers who followed 550 children aged 11 to 13 over a period of 20 months, for each hour they spent watching television, their food intake was found at the end of the period to have increased by 167 calories a day. The study was published in the Archives of Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine...Read full article
Eating less fat may be unhealthy for children
The current obsession with low fat diets may have unhealthy implications for children under the age of 2. The following media releases highlight the importance of not eliminating fat in children’s diets and parents eating habits often influence the eating behaviour of their children...Read full article
Green Tea: Weight Loss and Fat Burner
A new study shows that drinking green tea may fight fat. The study showed that people who drank a bottle of tea fortified with green tea extract every day for three months lost more body fat than those who drank a bottle of regular oolong tea...Read full article
Develop a Healthy Body Image instead of a Distorted Body Image
Professor Barbara Lohse – “Body image is very complex. It's more that just weight. It's not about body image; it's about your whole image.” A Kansas State University professor says that it is the mind that makes people who they are physically, socially and emotionally - not body image. But, according to Barbara Lohse, associate professor of human nutrition, a trend toward inaccurate body images is a cause for concern - not only for young children and teenagers, but also to those of all ethnicities, genders and ages...Read full article